Jewellery Care

Jewellery Care 

The jewellery I create is made to last through the ages and far out live us and our descendants. All of my pieces are made with solid metals with no plating or any other cheap materials. We use only the highest quality of stones that are meticulously sourced from ethical processes. 


All jewellery comes with luxury wooden boxes, sourced from a superb little company in New Zealand using ethical processes. When storing jewellery please use these boxes. As they are more resistant than the usual standard boxes that jewellers will offer you. 


When cleaning jewellery do not use harsh chemicals and use a lint free cloth. A long soak in warm soapy water and then scrub gently with a soft toothbrush. When putting on items of clothing, ensure you are careful the jewellery doesn’t snag on the cloth and break. Sometimes your jewellery might have catching edges, depending on the design. 


If your jewellery brought from us, sustains damage from a knock or requires a clean and you are unable to successfully do it yourself, please contact us and we will clean your jewellery for you for free. For damage we can usually fix this free of charge (depending on the extent of the damage), stone replacements may or may not be chargeable, depending upon the circumstances. We usually are very easy going, and care more about positive and happy experiences rather than profiting from a cleaning or repair service.